A long time coming but at last Regal is pleased to announce two new sets for our “Old New Zealand” range featuring an attack by the largest known eagle to have existed, Haast’s eagle upon a pair of South Island giant moa. Sculpted by our good friend Gary Hunt (of Gary Hunt Miniatures ) set NZ26 consists of an eagle just making its strike upon an unfortunate victim and NZ27 features a second, luckier moa making its escape. Needless to say, both species are long extinct, but they both make a fine addition to our earlier NZ17 Hunter and moa set.
NZ26: Haast’s Eagle and Moa | Regal Toy Soldiers

NZ27: Moa (add-on set) | Regal Toy Soldiers

NZ17: Kaiwhakangau me Moa | Regal Toy Soldiers