Product Description
French Royal Artillerie 1779-1783
Dark blue uniform, red facings, bicorn hat, above knee white gaiters
Version A – 12-pound field gun with a six man crew in action. Officer looking through spy glass, gunner with linstock, gunner putting ramrod into barrel, gunner with trail spike, gunner standing with cannon ball, gunner walking with powder bag
Version B – 12-pound field gun with a six man crew in action. Officer holding spy glass, gunner with linstock, gunner pointing with maps in hand, gunner standing with ramrod upright and bucket in left hand, gunner walking with cannon ball, gunner walking with powder bag
Version C – 6-inch howitzer with a four man crew in action. NCO looking through spy glass, gunner with trail spike, gunner standing with ramrod upright and bucket in left hand, gunner standing with powder bag